Wildcat TV Studios
Wildcat TV
Wildcat TV
Wildcat TV
Please click here to view some of the latest Wildcat TV (WCTV) episodes to learn more about what is going on at school from our students!
Also, if you are interested in film, broadcasting, and possibly being involved with WCTV some day, then you should select our classes during course selection (see below)!
Williams, Dawn
Explore creative expression through digital storytelling! Learn the production processes used in filmmaking and television news production. These classes give students hands-on experience using professional-grade equipment and software while creating content for the Morning Bulletin broadcast and other special projects. Below are our class offerings:
1) Digital Media Arts 1 (i.e., Intro to Video Production)
2) Digital Media Arts 2 (i.e., Intermediate Video Production)
3) Advanced Production and Broadcasting (WCTV crew member)
Contact our amazing WCTV teacher below if you have any questions or if you are hoping to help out with our zero period WCTV program!