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Link Crew is a program that partners select Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to connect with incoming Freshmen as they navigate through their first year of high school. We pride ourselves with the goal of growing young leaders to make a difference in their community, both on and off campus. Link Crew is a position that calls for work and participation, yet also a tight-knit family that supports one another through the highs and lows. As a leader, you will be expected to plan out, create, and execute events that Link Crew will organize.
Applications to be a Link Crew Leader will be available via our Google Classroom. Be on the look out for a message from Ms. Wells with the Google Classroom code and application insturctions. If you are interested in being a positive role model, a mentor, and a leader that guides Freshmen to discover their full potential and maximizes their chances for a successful first year of high school, then now is your chance! If you want more information or have any questions, please contact Ms. Wells at 
Note: Applications can only be found and submitted through our Google Classroom and you will need to check your messages to make sure you get the GC code and apply by the deadline!
Ms. Wells
Link Crew Coordinator