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Booster Club for Parents & Guardians

Franklin's Booster Club

Franklin's Booster Club

Description: Franklin High School’s Booster Club is a nonprofit organization consisting of staff, parents, and members of the community to positively support, promote and enhance its extracurricular programs for the students.

In addition to fundraising opportunities for campus programs, we work in conjunction with Franklin’s administration to offer volunteers at events, financial support for campus goals, and promote campus wellness. This is a good way to get involved and help continue to make Franklin a great place for our students to learn and grow!

Join Today: If you would like to sign-up to be a member it is only $10 and you can click here to join. You
 can also use the following link to check out the FHS Booster Club webpage to learn more. Their website has additional information about how to join, donate, meeting times, fundraisers, and more. Thank you for considering being an active part of Franklin's parent & guardian community!